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Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Linder Hoehe
51147 Koeln (Cologne)
Phone: +49 2203 601-0
Fax: +49 2203 67310
email: contact-dlr [at]
DLR's Executive Board, consisting of Prof. Dr. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla (Chair of the DLR Executive Board), Klaus Hamacher (Vice Chairman of the Executive Board), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hansjörg Dittus, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Lemmer and Dr.-Ing. Walther Pelzer is empowered to act as DLR’s representative.
The Executive Board's seat
The Executive Board's seat is located at DLR, Executive Board, Linder Hoehe, D-51147 Koeln.
The Executive Board can also authorise DLR employees to act on behalf of DLR. The head of DLR's legal department, Linder Hoehe, 51147 Cologne, can provide information about the extent of this authorisation.
Registration court and registration number of DLR
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Value added tax identification number
DE 121965658
This Web portal is maintained by
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
Telefon: +49 531 295-2301
Telefax: +49 531 295-2875
Editorial office
Xenia Sophia Stumpf
Responsible person according to § 18 Abs. 2 Medienstaatsvertrag
Dr.-Ing. Peter Wierach, stellvetretender Institutsdirektor des DLR-Instituts für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik
Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
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